04/25/2022: Module 2 Building Background
During this Virtual Professional Learning Experience, you will explore how to effectively and efficiently:
- Activate prior knowledge
- Leverage funds of knowledge
- Build background
- Elevate key academic vocabulary
all while remembering what you have learned from KYS, Comprehensible Input, and Collaboration.

Food for thought: Think about how you are making input comprehensible to your students. What steps are you taking differently now that you have viewed Module 1?
Food for thought: Reflect on how you currently gauge prior knowledge, assess funds of knowledge, build background, teach key academic vocabulary.
Food for thought: Consider how you are redefining your understanding of prior knowledge.
Food for thought: Think about how you can use, or extend your use of, anticipation guides.
Food for thought: Reflect on how you can use, or extend your use of, advance organizers.
Food for thought: Consider how you are redefining your understanding of funds of knowledge.
Food for thought: How can you assess and leverage your students’ funds of knowledge to strengthen their understanding of new topics? How you can make those links so that they learn more efficiently and effectively?
Food for thought: Reflect on the diversity of ways that you build background.
Food for thought: What would your students’ “In Their Own Words” look like?
Food for thought: How are you engaging your students in understanding (and using with fidelity) their new vocabulary that comes with the conceptual access of what they are learning? How can you leverage the real estate in your room and in your Google Classroom to provide your students with authentic and equitable access to vocabulary.
Now it’s your turn!
Please click on the Comment link below and share specific examples of how you activate prior knowledge, leverage funds of knowledge, build background, and/or elevate key academic vocabulary in order to provide ALL of your students with equitable and authentic learning opportunities.